Wednesday, January 22, 2014

De-Clutter Project 2014 - Week 4

As I was frantically searching through my desk drawers looking for something this week, I came to realize that I need to de-clutter/organize my supplies.

So, I went to the dollar store and picked up some inexpensive plastic baskets to sort/store things in. It looks much better now, and I might actually be able to find what I'm looking for when I'm looking for it.

Into the trash went all the pens that no longer work, along with the dried up markers and glue sticks. The screw driver and pliers finally made it back into the tool box where they belong.

There were a lot of other items that were moved to their rightful places: knitting needles, doll accessories, buttons and yarn. How did all that stuff get into my desk drawers? Anyone care to guess?

I have to get into the habit of putting things away in the 'right' place, instead of just opening the closest drawer and shoving it in. That bad practice is what got me where I am now and necessitates the De-Clutter Project in the first place.

What area do you intend to tackle this week? What do you think you will find? More importantly, what will you do with it?


  1. That looks so neat and organized! Great job!

    1. Thanks, Yvonne. It's ten times better than it was! At least now there is some semblance of order.

  2. Sigh, wonderfully organised drawers is something I aspire to. My De-clutter task this weekend is a biggy - hubby wants to empty the shed. I'm not looking forward to that!

    1. The dreaded shed clean out...I don't envy you that. It got me thinking about my shed, scary to think of what all might be in there. Gratefully, I don't have to think about it until spring.

  3. Excellent job! I cleaned out my entire batroom drawers and medicine cabinet, after reading your post! I was shocked at the amount of expired cold meds....shameful! You are giving me great incentive!

    1. Keep up the good work, Patti, and feel free to continue de-cluttering with us!

  4. Good job Bonnie! At one point I counted all the drawers and closets in my house, and figured the best way to deal with them was to do one a week. Too bad I didn't have you guys waiting to see which drawer I worked on each week. I might actually have worked my way through least for a month or so. LOL
