Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Falling is a Bad Idea

In fact, falling is a REALLY bad idea especially at my age. Honestly, I do not recommend it to anyone, no matter how old or young you are. The repercussions down the road can be quite unpleasant. But that is exactly what I did this morning and I am suffering for not paying more attention to where I was walking.
So, as a reminder to myself, and as a warning to everyone else, I have compiled a list of suggestions to help you avoid falls.
• Get non-slip mats in the shower and tub. • Install grab bars in the shower or tub and by the toilet. • Install handrails on both sides of stairs. • Keep walkways and steps well lit. • Reduce clutter. Get rid of loose wires, cords and other obstacles. • Repair loose floorboards and carpet. Scatter mats are tripping hazards. • Store frequently used items in easy-to-reach locations. • Mop up spills immediately. • Use assistive devices like a cane or walker, if required. • Use a bath seat in the shower. • Wear rubber soled shoes on bare wood or tiled floors. • Have good lighting throughout the house and install nightlights.
Believe me when I say, falling is a bad idea. Take the necessary precautions to avoid it. You'll be glad you did.