Saturday, March 22, 2025

Hooked on Paper Pads

Over the years, I have accumulated quite a few patterned scrapbook paper pads. Alright, full disclosure here, ‘quite a few’ is a bit of an understatement. They come in various sizes, 6” X 6”, 6” X 8”, 8” X 8” and 12” X 12”. The bulk of what I have are the 12” X 12” size.
I keep telling myself not to purchase any new ones. I have so many, for every holiday or season of the year that I do not ‘need’ more. What I have will keep me crafting for years to come. However, I seem to get pulled in by the buy one/get one free and the post-holiday clearance sales.
Every once in a while, the dollar store has name brand, good quality paper pads for sale and the prices are phenomenal. Last week, I found some fabulous 6” X 8” Christmas themed ones for $3 each. They had five of them. I got them all. Originally, in a scrapbook store they would have cost $13 to $15 each, give or take. What a great deal, how could I resist?
My plan is to make Christmas greeting cards to send to friends & family and the smaller paper pads are perfectly scaled for that. I did start making some last year but the postal strike right around the holiday season interfered with sending them. I will try again this year.
About 7-8 years ago the dollar store had a lot of Martha Stewart paper pads and stickers for Valentine’s Day. I purchased a substantial amount, I won’t deny it. I’ve used some of what I picked up but I’ll be honest, I have a lot left. I was into making pocket letters at the time and used it for those mostly.
I know as much as I keep telling myself NOT to buy more, I will likely buy more down the line. I’m hooked on paper pads and I don’t think there is a ‘cure’ for it.

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