Welcome to my personal reflections on life, love and the world around me. Be prepared for a variety of topics; crafts and recipes, self-improvement initiatives, quirks and quotes, and other tidbits of interest that come into my view. The journey begins...walk with me.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Is The Grass Greener?
Why do other people’s lives or situations seem better than our own? Everyone has needs and desires. When our needs are met we then look to fulfilling our desires. And it's only natural for us to look at what we have and compare it with what someone else has. If we perceive they have it better, we wish we were in their position. Thus summarizes the phrase, ‘the grass always greener on the other side’.
But is it really greener on the other side? I suggest that it may not always be the case. Yet we still always covet that which we do not have. And it starts at a young age too. Is this some kind of instinct or behavior trait built into our DNA?
The feeling that other people have lives that are more impressive, fulfilling, or happy than our own can come and go throughout our lives depending on what's going on in our careers, relationships, and families, but it's definitely normal to feel it at some point. No matter how good you may have it, you still have a sense that others have it better, whether or not that's ever the case.
You may, however, be building something up in your imagination to be better than it really is. The grass isn't actually greener; you just believe or perceive that it is. I suggest you research the actions you are planning to take in case you've sugar coated them in your mind. What looks ‘better’ from the outside may be worse for you when acquired. Other people may be hiding the negative aspects of their situation and only putting their ‘best foot forward’ to the public. Be happy where you are, make changes if you can but make them for the right reasons to your benefit, not your detriment.
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