Wednesday, January 8, 2014

De-Clutter Project 2014 - Week 2

Note to self: Do not purchase any more shampoo, conditioner, face cream or shower gel for the foreseeable future.

I decided to clear out and reorganize the bathroom cabinets this week. They were packed full of those products, LOTS of those products! I obviously have been unable to pass up a good sale on these items for quite some time.

I also found so many expired products (vitamins, analgesic rub, peroxide) that it was frightening. Into the garbage bag they went, along with the empty or dried out jars of face cream! All the nail polish got tossed out too, I don’t even wear nail polish anymore! And if I don’t use nail polish, why do I have nail polish remover (which only causes me to have an instant asthma attack)?

Here is the before and after photo of one of the cabinets above my sink.

What area do you intend to tackle this week? What do you think you will find? More importantly, what will you do with it?

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  1. Oh my! I haven't looked at my bathroom cabinet in years! Thhink i'd better put it on my list and make sure I'm not poisoning anyone :o
    Looking good Bonnie!

    1. I think my next stop will be the linen closet. That is going to be a big job! I have no idea what I might find. LOL

  2. You people are going to keep me housebound if you keep this up! First I discover I can clean up the clutter on top of the bed in the spare room by cleaning out my linen closet first, and now this! I also have an over abundance of skin and hair care products. I not only can't resist a nice new face cream, I get a lot of samples and sometimes they pile up too. I mean, I want to give each one a fair trial right? Bathroom cupboards now on the list. EEK!

    1. You may find that some of those samples have dried out if they been in there longer than you care to admit. *smile* Use it or lose it is my new motto.

  3. I must have over 50 bottles of nail has been at least 8 years since I polished my nails, gonna do my bathroom cupboards tomorrow, thanks to your post! :)

    1. Taking small steps like this makes the whole process easier, and I can already see an improvement at my house. That is encouraging me to keep going!

  4. Wow, well done on the de clutter! Must be v satisfying to get rid of all that expired stuff.

    Will post on my progress on my blog now :-)

  5. Looks great. So nice knowing that if you grab something to use from the bathroom cupboard it is still still good and not long expired. I know i found some old items in mine when I went through it.
