Of all the social media platforms available, Facebook is the one that
I use the most. I have two business pages, Jasper Moon and Jasper Moon PrayerBeads. The first one is dedicated to the company as a whole and the second one
specifically to the prayer bead product line.

Posting regularly is one of the main keys to success. Add
content at least once a day. Do not flood your page with sales pitches, people
will get tired of that very quickly. Include other material that you think will
be of interest to your customers. It does not have to be directly related to
your core business; quotes, tutorials, interesting events, other business pages,
blog posts, etc.

Posts should be written in a friendly and informative
fashion. Respond to customer enquiries and comments in a timely manner. It
demonstrates that you are dedicated to their overall satisfaction with your
products and services.
Facebook keeps track of how often people interact with your
page and that determines how many people will see
them. Did you know that not even all your fans will see all your posts? Track
your results and refine your strategy as you go. Find what works best for you.

Embrace digital platforms, like Facebook, and discover new
ways to engage your customers, sell your goods, and spread your message.
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