A dear friend of mine, bless her heart, got me interested in Fiesta® dinnerware. I wasn't going to let it happen but all those beautiful bright colours captured me.

I started slow, with teacups and saucers only. I'm a tea drinker so I was able to justify it in my head like that. I'd enjoy using them myself, right?
But then, you can't have tea without a proper teapot, can you? And you certainly require a sugar and cream set for when company calls.

Whenever I visit my friend all I see is Fiesta®, in every room, including the bathroom. She serves dinner and snacks on Fiesta® plates and bowls, serves tea in Fiesta® mugs, and stores teabags in a Fiesta® canister. There are shelves full of Fiesta® in the living room and a dining room buffet is packed as well. All of her kitchen cupboards are overflowing with Fiesta®.

The old white Corelle® dishes in my cupboards, the ones that I've been using for years, are not so appealing to me anymore. My goodness, have I really had them over 30 years? I'm sure that I have. In fact, they are the same dishes my mother had before that.
It is definitely time for a change! Those cheery colours have been calling out to me long enough. What finally tipped me over the proverbial edge was a conversation with my friend a couple of weeks ago. It's all her fault.
She was placing an order with a major department store in the U.S. for, you guessed it, Fiesta®. There was a good sale, a 20% coupon and a free shipping offer. I decided to add a couple of items to her order.

Here's what we got. Only one bowl broke in transit and the replacement has already been shipped to us. I can hardly wait to get down to her place and bring my pieces home! Such pretty colours.
What got me looking online again for a retail outlet in Canada was my friend planning her NEXT order from the U.S. department store! Yes, that's right, the first order has barely landed on her doorstep and she is planning her next one. I prefer to order locally if I can to avoid the exchange rate and duty fees.
Well, guess what? Bed Bath & Beyond in Canada have JUST started carrying some Fiesta®. And there is a store right in the town where I live. How amazing and convenient is that?

The prices look comparable with the pricing in the U.S. and when you sign up for their e-mail newsletter, they send you a 20% coupon on one item. I went to the store today to get a Lemongrass place setting.
Unfortunately, only display pieces were available, their full stock compliment has not yet arrived. I was, however, able to order my place setting. They are shipping directly to me via UPS. Estimated timeline for arrival to me is 12-14 days. And because I ordered in the store, the shipping fee was waived and I got to use my 20% off coupon.
Not all of the Bed Bath & Beyond stores will be carrying Fiesta®, and those that do will not carry every piece in every colour that you see on their
website. But if go into the store to order, the shipping fee will be waived and it will be sent to you by UPS.
I'm thinking that it's not going to take long for me to brighten up my kitchen now. And I don't know whether I should blame my friend or thank her for spiking my interest in Fiesta®. *smile* What do you think?